my parents tell me I’m being stupid and give me sleeping remedies, none of them work and my problems are becoming worse i want to talk to you because i feel like you may be on of the only people i could relate to. And they cant seem to notice me talking to my self and the voices and singing to keep the voices out of my head, at four in the fucking morning. The scariest time I can remember is when I saw a bunch of blood and gas and the car was so crushed by the brige. I feel like this force is telling me I’m gonna die soon. The question about using this information against me kind of made me chuckle, since I was like, “You know, what if they ARE gonna use this info against me?”, Im 16 years old and I scored a 65. I’m always either angry, paranoid, or sad, but on occasion I can be cheerful and happy and even crack a smile. There has got to be someone, somewhere, who understands and accepts you for who you are and isn’t an idiot, although I suppose that people meeting the criteria are very rare. I was telling my baby daddy that my bf is going to be in the baby’s life as the father that I was only using him to give him a baby like I used the guy who did bad things to me..then I realized he isn’t getting out for 41 more years then I realized that my disorder was getting worse cause I was reliving the past as being alive in one of my flash backs means I need to get on that pregnancy med before I am too far gone.. and I see my baby daddy as the horrible man that In humanely tortured me and I do something I will always regret. The “impending doom” feeling is typically an anxiety or panic attack. I am here to do some digging about schizophrenia due to my neighbour who is schizophrenic, and she is making my life a living fucking hell and she refuses to get help. I have emotions sometimes I can’t control, same as when I think something (whether it’s good or bad). Everyone needs someone who can say, “I’ve been there. they often narrate how i walk, pick up objects, ect. Please help me as I am so confused. I scored a 79, I didn’t want to, I feel like I can feel spirits and sometimes they flash before me. I gotta go. It may not be a huge plus, considering the painful situation you’re in, but at least it’s one good thing to smile about. I feel sorry for ever single little mistake I’ve made and proud of certain massive mistakes I’ve made and ashamed at the rest. I refuse to lose any of this, to do any “treatment”/brainwashing to return to “normalcy”, to take some drugs to inhibit my natural gifts. Eli is my aggressive and dominate side some days he takes over and I can’t remember anything the longest he’s done this is a week and that was my freshman year now being a sophomore I can control things better but I am still scared I can’t always have control. All the best and hope you can all get the help you need asap. I have applied for SSI and been denied. I am so late but the thing is is that my fam sometimes believes me and a lot of times they don’t they say I live a non haunted house life and even worse I got an 81 and my mom definitely won’t believe me share already didn’t care about my depression and that I wanted to die it was a hard time for me and its still hard me and my fam are dealing with stuff so I never say my feelings…but I feel that the more they stay in the worse they get. com save my marriage 3 weeks ago!! Can you describe what they look like truthfully and honestly? I don’t think you may have schizophrenia (I’m sorry if you take this the wrong way like I did), but I think it might be hormones kicking in. It scares me and the meds aren’t work. It’s driving me insane and I am out of ideas to what I can do. I started hearing voices near 4 months ago, and they won’t stop. Not at all at once!!!! but when i tell people they look at me like i belong in a mental asylum. I can’t tell my parents they’ll think in being silly because I’m young and stupid and need attention. For example, I cry for no reason or laugh at violence. It hurts that I cant remember my past (more then 5 years ago) and my short term memory is terrible too. Dude I’ve seen yellow glowing spirits in my room with scary faces and I didn’t know that had anything to do with this!! Scored a 79 on this test. At least i know i’m not the only one alone. Zeena, I’m terribly sorry that you have to live with this mental disorder, too. At night, I’m scared because everything looks like limbs and eyes. I thought it would just go away. IT sucks when it gets bad and depressing but can also be a gift. Someday, I’ll get to it. U need 2 talk a doctor. I hear things that aren’t there. ” I tried to do it to, even though I didn’t want to. One thing does troble me. But as I read in many, many comments here, a lot of these people are just having paranormal activity in their home or are mediums. I’ve felt… strange… the past few months, and people pointed out to me when I was in a very heated discussion about my books that I’ve written that I was talking to air. She loves and cares for me even though she knows what’s wrong with me. I came into my moms room and woke her up and said “mommy there is something in the house.” I use to talk to this man in my room at the age 7. He doen’t seem to follow me as much, but I know he can appear next to me when im thretened by anything. By doing these things you overcome those fears so in an odd way its how you process and overcome fear and anxiety without accepting the voices as your own thoughts. So my only question now is, are we schizophrenia or just simply people who can see, feel, and dream about ghosts, or a simpler way to put it is are we ‘mediums’? Does that sound weird? Read the chapter on schizophrenia, as it will give you a much better picture of the whole ‘spectrum’ of schizophrenia. My name is Jodi (A fake name I am using for this). Telling me to do things I don’t want to. Magnetic resonance imaging showing differences in brain ventricle size in twins. at times i feel numb. idk what to do, I scored a 77. Im leaving my room and pc and going back to school trying to fix my life. I see dark shapes swirling about in my room and I hear screams of children often and I hear footsteps and sometimes buzzing noises, and I see things in my room like fast moving people or creatures. When I was little I would make up stories like if I did one thing it would lead to another thing which would lead to another and so on. They always will be watching every single move you make.’. I usually imagine that people in black cars shoot me, and that girls laugh at me, but it’s extremely quiet. They want to hurt me, emotionally. I’m actually very worried that the government is ping to find out I’m not like the other people and take me away and take my friends away. Good luck to you as well. No one truly understood, probably ’cause of my word salad and my “insane” thoughts. I was digging a grave for my self once in the back yard before getting hospitalized. My daughter just scored a 65 and she is having the same things happen to her. I don’t know. I scored a 71. I… Feel like they know. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que les cas de suicides sont très fréquents chez les personnes souffrant de schizophrénie". I just took this test 2 times because of my dislexia. The fact that you don’t think anyone cares might be in itself a symptom of this illness. There’s no reasoning with them and they refuse to look up the facts because they think the internet is a “tool of the devil” and that the government is controlling the internet & their tv and are giving them and others false information to control them. I am a student. scratch what I saidabout not hearing voices. I cannot tell her that I think I have Schizophrenia. I am still convinced that someone was watchng me take the test, because I just felt as if my sisters or mother or father was stood behind me, or looking through the door, so I closed the door and checked the room for like twenty minutes. I think u have something more then just psychological problem. I see him everywhere I go. Especially in the situation with no insurance. if your in school maybe a schoolcounselor and get the ball rolling for you but you need to be checked out for this gets out of hand but if its a real issue the pray. If you suspect you may be experiencing the symptoms of schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder, please consult your local psychologist, psychiatrist, or other medical professional, or call 866-571-6796 to speak with someone by phone to get help today. religion and all theologies are nothing short of “scapegoat”(god does not physically exist but like many other prophetic(fictitious)characters, carries the encouragement of living and breathing easy). This test is designed to help you understand your own level of symptoms that are commonly considered related to schizophrenia in some degree. he is really kind and told me he is an angel. . A few days ago I heard a deepo male voice say a lot of things. Nothing wrong with some deep philosophical thought. that’s how our body sometimes tells us it’s time for physical relationships. I’ll have full-on conversations with my inner voice, talking about every possible situation, almost as to mentally prepare myself. Good luck, I just wanted to reply to you because as a Mother I know I was so glad when my Daughter finally told me what was going on with her. I’m pretty much in the same boat as you. I also believe this world is not entirely real, that people have been conditioned and coddled to accept everything they experience as reality. I’m interested to hear from you. Dear Cecilia I fear being judged, making a mistake, or offending someone. I don’t have time for this “friend”. Then I started reading Artemis Fowl, and the silent watchers in the vents became Artemis, Holly, Butler, Root, Opal, and others… Now the silent watches are Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Castiel of Supernatural. Please help me! Then it usually stops. You are not alone”. Vous devez répondre seulement à 10 questions en cochant la bonne réponse. she will never understand… help me, please. I talk to people I ‘think’ are there because there is no one else I can talk to about this, I get really bipolar like as of know I was just crying because I’m scared everyone I know is reading this right now, and like I’m being monitored by like some t.v show but now I’m fine just shaking and I cant stop it, that happens allot too. I some times experience false memories and what I see in my head and what I believe I experienced is beyond awful. I can’t remember what it feels like to sleep without nightmares haunting me. Do any of you expeience any of the same issues. Sometimes, my life feels like its a dream. Keep your therapist updated – especially when you feel like you’re having an “episode” or a “bad week” because this can signify the onset of an acute phase which requires more aggressive management techniques. I got 8%. I tell her how worthless and stupid i am and she says, ‘don’t be silly!’ But I don’t believe her, and one time I even opened the bathroom window and got my jump rope and threatened my mom that I would hang myself. Thank you so very, very much. I have seen ghosts several times this, all of it, is only as real as we think it is. I understand that due to this problem you may have trouble believing me when I say this, but you must listen. I’m scared. are real, and everyone else is not. But because I am on meds I experience virtually none of the symptoms except for lack of motivation (a negative symptom). Topics Brains and Behavior mental health Neuroscience psychology. They only speak to me if they are part of the group my friends belong to. I scored a 46. I feel someone is watching me and is there more so than anything, and it’s scary, although i’m 13 I have symptoms but maybe it’s natural? They cannot understand me and words, or are scared to do so. I hope things improve for you. A diagnosis can only be obtained from a professional. My Mother didn’t believe me, even after I had talked to medical professionals, and said I needed to stop looking for attention. I said that the man in the suit, obviously and they told me there was no one there. Please help you? If you’re worried about your grades, though, I might be able to suggest something. They all say I am likely to have schizophrenia. Once the voices kicked in and the few good friends that i had were suddenly viewed as threats to me, thats when i knew some big shit was happening. I think I’m a werewolf for some reason and that I’m immortal because of me almost dying when I was little and my enhanced senses. I was looking through it once, some of the questions looked really off and i scored a 64. Borderline Personality Disorder or 2. Anyone the same? So that’s good, -ish. I’m confused… Just the other day I was in class and I had fallen asleep. Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Don’t wait! I feel everyone is against me talking about me 24/7. I remember crying to myself in a small corner of my house and staring blankly at a wall or hurting myself for a few years of my childhood because of this. And your mom, show her YOU. i’m not a good person and god hates me. I get amused by dark humor. I’ve been seeing dead family members and friends around too. I have nothing in common with anyone else on the planet, including my family and friends. I’m scarec my mother will call me crazy and send me away. At least I know I’m not alone in this…. Every screening test i take tells me i have severe schizophrenia so do my friends. My parents just noticed my behavior and my certain likes, but I don’t want to dump this on them. I know how you feel I have the same symptoms although I scored a 100. :/, I used to have alot of outbursts when I’m angry but I don’t anymore, I laugh at violent things or even DIRTY things, Sometimes I cry. He or she can lead you in the direction you need to go from there. I feel like I’m being watched from behind all the time especially when looking n the mirror. And I’m having these unreal experiences and feel possessed and get worked up very fast and I feel like I’m running in circles in my head and I’m hearing special messages in songs and stuff and I just really really do not know what to do. I wasn’t sure if my score was accurate. I want to let you know, that there is nothing wrong with you. You must approach this in a very adult and professional manner. I cried for something i don’t remember, I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia before and yeah…. Only way out of he dark is through him. @Crazy Shut In, okay this is creepy, I have the exact same thing with the assumptions. Sorry hun, didn’t mean to post it as a reply. LOL ikr that scared the living shit out of me XDDDDD but it is tecnically true tho, check out Snowden’s shit, Hello there , i scored 78 , i really have many symptoms , i did all the tests actually in the internet , i know before that i have different types of disorders like schizophrenia , multiple personalities also Obsessive–compulsive disorder ,, i know that i should see doctor , but it’s hard even in thinking about it . I used to hate them whenever I think about it. I’ve always know what is going to happen in the future, and it happens. I feel almost numb I don’t feel a lot pain. I don’t see concrete things but I see black shapes, kinda like shadows around the room sometimes. Growing up I always was a depressed kid , I had OCD very bad and wanted to commit suicide , the OCD was on and off for a few years of my life but latly these weird things have been happening to me and I really feel like I have schitzophrenia .. Especially those claiming 90+ they wouldnt be able to respond. I know the world is probably a simulation, it has too many repeated characters to be ‘natural’. Although I forgot to say that I hear voices in the wind and see things in the corner of my eye. Everyone thinks I am fine but I know I am not fine So I keep trying to tell them ( my parents and the people at school ) but they do think that I am making it up but it is good to have some advise now I found though even though I have symptoms of one thing one day and something else the next I always no matter what feel like I don’t belong. So I scored a 71 on this test which I guess makes sense cause I’ve been feeling a bit like a crazy person lately. All these things I have been seeing and hearing for the past years are bringing me down. I believe that most people with these types of syptoms actually are sensitive to the spiritual world, and because of that can be tormented. the aliens are here. But in a way I find them comforting. I have always been wondering if some humans just weren’t robots instead. I went to a doctor last week because I can’t sleep, and she recommended pills. I hear voices all the time calling my name, i see shadows of people who arent there, i have voices in my head, and they taunt me.. the meds helped but i stopped taking them because the voices told me to.. it will get better though but it takes time hun. She told me my true name, not the one arbitrarily given to me at my most recent birth. I have noticed it is getting worse and worse. Besides… what if they don’t take me seriously? The voices only came sometimes when I smoked weed But I loved smoking so I kept on doing it even though the voices told me it was the weeds fault. Hi Ivy, I am 12 years of age and I scored 69. I don’t have blue hair, extravagant clothes, nor tons of makeup on so why would they look at me all the freakingtime? For example yesterday at school a teacher was yelling at me and calling me stupid because I didn’t know the answer to his question and the voices were saying really horrible things about him. That’s why I’m so shy to tell to my family what I’ve been going though as of now. I’ve realized that they’ve only been extreme between the months of August to mid-March. Haha i scored 24 im not schizophren but im diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder, im 20 yrs old now. I also hear little voices telling me that I’m worthless and that I should just kill myself. I can feel it physically. I too feel like i can see the future. Drugs work for a short amount of time, but I want to feel something that is true. Which has just given the voices and the people I see even more to gloat on. I have told no one of my experiences (except a couple friends, but I did not tell them everything) because they would think that I was demon-possessed (we’re Christians) and/or crazy. My memory is falling apart, my words and numbers too, and I get so frustrated trying to piece together what I’m saying. She also told me that she has dreams of people dying, and that it comes true in real life. p.s i scored 77, I got a 76 and no one seems to care i understand dont worry too much just try your best to do the “right” thing, Tell someone, I got a 76, what I do is take this test at least once a week, which probably seems like I’m paranoid or something but I like to see if it gets worse and so far it has I’ve gone from 41 to a 76, in three weeks. I mean I just finished grade 11 with a 91 average, and yet I don’t know who are what or where or when or why I am. When I express myself, people become confused or think I’m strange. I got 82, and I’m quite confused.. Such as jokes about the secound world war. What should I do? Although she can distract me from stuff like studying. I have only one friend who’s sister has schizophrenia but i find it hard to talk to her because i think she doesnt really care about me. Adrienne the serpent helps me to write down my emotions and our conversations on paper, and apparently it’s not bad–I’ve won a few writing contests on the rare occasions that I manage to convince myself (or, moreover, Adrienne convinces me) the the people running the writing contest cannot hurt me and would be no match for a gigantic, fire-breathing, serpentine creature like her. Your email address will not be published. Inside voice usually chimes along as well. I’m not going to be caged up like an animal. Riddle me this: “have you ever had a ‘brain snap’ where one day you just start thinking differently?” This is a process of evolution and consider yourself lucky to attain such recognition. My memory is getting worse and worse…I am horrible at writing and speaking my thoughts…. Got a B on this test tho I got straight A’s. I’ve been going to Psychiatrists since age 5 I was also put in a hospital for nearly 2 years. Not to say that mine aren’t, of course, but I doubt that I will ever be able to live without Adrienne. A lot of the time my head tells me that none of my online friends are real and I get really nervous that they might be older than they say they are and out to get me. My mother has schizophrenia. I’m not going to go to a damn doctor! And I told my boyfriend I think I’m schizophrenic and he left me! Uh, I’m 13 and I scored a 92 on this. I have an extreme paranoia that someone is trying to poison me and many many other things that I seem to share in common with these other people. I feel like everything wants to kill me. I have been perfectly fine then I will look over at my wall and go back to talking and I have been told that I will randomly start getting very agitated and start getting snarky with them to the point where I push people away because they just don’t understand I has scared me and even know I don’t understand why I can’t be in a room alone without hallucinating I have 2 different voices in my head They are Eli and Lilith. Sometimes I try to fight back, but they always know how to take me down. I’m Scared. Oh my lovelies I am so sad that you feel nobody believes you or cares.. If you are young, you already have the disadvantage of a parent or teacher thinking you are imaginative, seeking attention, or just playing a prank. I scored a 79 on this test.Help!! Nobody believe in me nobody cares about me even my mother . I think I need help but I can’t tell my mom or she’ll just think I’m lying. Seek help until you find it. And how do I get my parents to believe me? Sometimes I think that it’s just as much my creations’ attacking of me that bothers me as it is that sometimes I am forced to kill them to prevent them from harming my best “imaginary” friend, Adrienne or I. Schizophrenia isn’t my biggest issue, but there are online treatments. I don’t know if it is linked to this somehow. Lately, I’ve had “visions” and “fantasies” of my classmates deaths. I established an entire history of what “we did together”, although everything we “did” was never true; I just wanted to seem interesting. if so please contact me. what is your opinion on all of this? He’s something my head made up after my dad died in February. She’d been replaced with something, and it was awful. A lot of the question are to the point on what kind of thoughts I’m having when schizophrenic. You must speak in person to a doctor before you will receive any form of diagnosis. I found scars on my arm that I don’t know how they happend but blaze ( he is a red/golden dragon ) and me had an argument and he threatened to slash me with his claws if I didnt do what he wanted and now I have these slash/scars on my left arm. My guess is these voices are your own irrational fears that have literally developed a mind of their own separate from your conscious mind. I’m not sure. I hate having to hide this side of me from other people… I’d like to be able to be really honest with somebody…. A Little Bit 18. Pray to God for five times for 3 days with full faith and ask him to help you with what you’re going through and he will heal your mental disorder. Hard time telling the difference between reality and fancy. I am afriad it’s going to be even worse than it is now. I have a major anger issue. I get visual hallucinations sometimes too. Ive done this test three times now and scored over 90 each time ive been fighting demonds all my life im 26 now and get followed everywere by shadows people have convosations in my head that im not involved in i could of got help with this when i was 11years old ive always known ive got mental health issues but its took me 15 years to hold my hand up n say i need help i just want to wish u all the best andzak and ivy dont give up if they dont belive you they dont belive youwell thats what i use to think untill i realised they were just as scared as me, crap, i got 100. what the hell do i do now.