- Alain Marschal... Programa: Les Grandes Gueules. Since the current strike began on December 5, Kasib has appeared in countless articles and videos to denounce the government and the union bureaucracy in the strongest terms, representing the combativeness of the strikers and their determination to scrap the pension reform for good without compromise. Canal: Les Grandes Gueules. Un tuit publicado el 24 de octubre por una persona ultraderechista, pedía públicamente la extradición y la pena de muerte para Anasse Kazib, militante de Sud-Rail y del NPA: “Marruecos: pena de muerte para el terrorista Saïd Mansour, extraditado de Dinamarca. Anasse Kazib is a CCR militant and a leader among the striking workers who, according to the press, has become a spokesperson for the rank-and-file. They warned against his interventions in the strike, saying that he “was able to take advantage of a month-long strike of railway workers to put forward his militant agenda, at the crossroads between “revolutionary Marxism” and homilies in favour of political Islam. En respuesta a este ataque inadmisible, múltiples figuras de la Francia Insumisa, así como Rokhaya Diallo, Simon Duteil de la Unión Solidarios, Taha Bouhafs, periodista militante, o Gaël Quirante, han dado su apoyo a Anasse Kazib. Depuis une semaine nous sommes nombreux parmis les figures publiques au teint suédois à recevoir une avalanche de menaces de mort. As a report in Le Parisen says, “He has a great agility of words and a thick voice. He spoke of the “radicality” that he sees in the Yellow Vest movement, recalling his interactions with Jérôme Rodriguez. McDonald’s espía a los trabajadores que luchan por aumento salarial en EE. The right-wing news site, wrote an article attacking Kazib as a radical who is “on every TV set and every union mobilization”. La série des voleurs contre les pratiquants d'arts martiaux vient de sortir son nouvel épisode, avec en guest, la combattante de l'UFC Polyana Viana. Qu’elle sache que nous sommes des millions. Para debatir estos temas entrevistamos a Anasse Kazib, dirigente ferroviario, Gaëtan Gracia, delegado de la CGT en la industria aeronáutica y Daniela Cobet, editora de Révolution Permanente. La extradición y la pena de muerte deberán servir contra los terroristas del pensamiento islamo-izquierdista. Tres referentes de las luchas que atraviesan hoy Francia se dieron cita el 7 de enero, a poco de cumplirse un mes del movimiento de huelga contra la reforma jubilatoria de Macron, en el programa Pas de Quartier (Sin Cuartel), conducido por la periodista Aude Lancelin. He was described as a “revolutionary Marxist” militant who is shedding light on the “misery” of France’s social crisis and “the fate of future generations”. Anasse Kazib / Islamofobia / Extrema derecha / Francia / Internacional, Argentina Brasil México Chile Estado Español Estados Unidos Francia AlemaniaUruguayVenezuelaBoliviaItaliaCosta RicaPerú, © 2020 LA IZQUIERDA DIARIO - Términos y Condiciones, Primer bombardeo de la era Biden: EE. Avec: Robert Ménard, maire de Béziers. — Sarah Legrain (@slegrain75) October 26, 2020. His televised interventions regularly draw on a Marxist framework that has nearly disappeared from the airwaves and television in recent years: speaking openly about “class struggle”, “proletarians”, “the bourgeoisie”, etc. Que sepa que somos millones. Et Anasse Kazib, cheminot. Nous les enfants d’immigrés sommes la cible aujourd’hui de ceux qui jadis ont appelé nos grands-pères à la guerre et nos pères à paver les rues. ¿Esta escoria racista se atreve a amenazarte? Nosotros los hijos de inmigrantes somos el objetivo hoy en día de aquellos que antaño llamaron a nuestros abuelos a la guerra y a nuestros padres a asfaltar las carreteras.”-Anasse Kazib (@AnasseKazib). We are calling on all private sector employees to join [the strike].”, The liberal media in France are not the only ones taking notice of Kazib. Didier Giraud, agriculteur. The Revolutionary Communist Current (CCR) — the organization that produces Left Voice’s sister publication, and a leader among the striking workers who, according to the press, has become a spokesperson for the rank-and-file. ¿Decían de votar para “bloquear” a Lepen? 28 de octubre de 2020 | “Pena de muerte”, en estos términos ha amenazado la extrema derecha en Twitter a Anasse Kazib, militante de Sud-Rail y del NPA. Marie-Anne Soubré, avocate. Argentina Brazil Mexico Chile Spain France Germany Uruguay Venezeula Bolivia Italy Costa Rica Peru. Miércoles 28 de octubre de 2020 | 13:39. He is also a friend to one of the leaders of the movement, Jérôme Rodrigues, who was seriously injured in one eye on January, 2019. We fight for you, especially for the children of all.”. He is also a 33-year old father of Morrocan descent in one of the most racist countries in Europe. Une fois n'est pas coutume, les débats sont animés sur CNews. Anasse emerged as a major figure in the news coverage of the ongoing strike when, on a CNews television program on December 29, Fadila Mehal, an advisor to Macron’s party, , Kazib expressed the rank-and-file’s resolve to continue the strike while the government met with top union officials to negotiate a deal, demanding: “No truce, no end of the mobilization! Anasse Kazib is a train guard at the Bourgert train station in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north-eastern outskirts of Paris. The strike against Macron's pension reform shows France's rank and file protesting repression and demanding the complete withdrawal of the pension reform. Este tuit de extrema violencia y que no es más ni menos que una amenaza de muerte abierta contra Anasse Kazib no es casual. Estos degenerados odian Francia, ¿no?” Adjuntando en el tweet un cartel con una recompensa de 10.000 euros por la cabeza de Anasse Kazib. “@AnasseKazib estamos contigo. From the youth movement in France, to youth protests in Baltimore to the Sanders phenomena, it is undeniable that there ... "Right now, there are 60 trucks out there and they don’t have people to unload them. It shows that the demands of the strikers are inextricably tied to a deeper crisis of capitalism that only the united efforts of France’s workers can solve. Esta movilización contra la ley de seguridad global tendrá que conducir a una huelga masiva. Anasse Kazib is a train guard at the Bourgert train station in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north-eastern outskirts of Paris. News Anasse_Kazib Maroc. Mientras los grandes medios reciben millones del Estado y los empresarios, nosotros contamos con vos para seguir desenmascarando las mentiras de los poderosos. says, “He has a great agility of words and a thick voice. En tiempo de crisis y ajuste, el periodismo de izquierda solo puede seguir creciendo con tu ayuda. The marinist had, it is true, put all the chances on his side to change his life, by tweeting under the pseudo “Thierry Veyrier” death threats against the trade unionist Anasse Kazib. “Pena de muerte”, en estos términos ha amenazado la extrema derecha en Twitter a Anasse Kazib, militante de Sud-Rail y del NPA. Ça marche bien ! Railway worker Anasse Kassib explains why it is necessary to join forces to continue the strike and show their determination. “It’s an insult to the victims of terrorism to treat someone as a terrorist because he corrected you on a question about pension contributions,” he said indignantly on social media afterwards. Where is the “Lesser Evil” Now? The Revolutionary Communist Current (CCR) — the organization that produces Left Voice’s sister publication, Permanent Revolution — has great influence among the rank and file workers involved in the strike. Este domingo 30 de agosto, Anasse Kazib, sindicalista ferroviario y militante del NPA y de Révolution Permanente ha sido amenazado de muerte en un tweet por Thierry Veyrier, delegado de Rassemblement National (Agrupamiento Nacional) en Val-de-Marne, el partido de la extrema derecha liderada por Marine Le Pen. Rather than an anomaly or just another attempt to turn public opinion against the strike, Kazib’s appearance in broad sections of the national media is an expression of how deep the strike against Macron’s pension reform is. Canal: Les Grandes Gueules. Anasse Kazib, cheminot. El autor del tuit ha retuiteado a múltiples portavoces de extrema derecha como Jean Messiah o el comentarista de Cnews Goldnadel. atacó a milicias respaldadas por Irán en Siria, Descartables: 6500 trabajadores migrantes murieron en Qatar preparando el Mundial 2022, “Vacunatorio vip”: una clase de privilegios, Un país en remate: transnacionales y empresarios locales festejan las políticas de Maduro. When talking about the strike and France’s recent social upheaval, Kazib often speaks about the “radicality” of the yellow vests, a movement he played a significant role in by trying to draw sectors of the working class into the struggle through his union. Apoyando al gobierno y sus ataques a los llamados “islamo-izquierdistas”, el tuit llama a la “extradición y pena de muerte” que deberían sufrir los terroristas del pensamiento islamo-izquierdista”. Escucha y descarga los episodios de Les Grandes Gueules gratis. [This is] dangerous cocktail – explosive, at the very least.”. train station in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north-eastern outskirts of Paris. The liberal media in France are not the only ones taking notice of Kazib. La misma enfrentó a Anasse Kazib, ferroviario y militante de la CCR, con la consejera oficialista de La República en Marcha (LREM), Fadila Mehal, y el editorialista del programa Dominique de Montvallon. As Kazib told Le Parisien: “When you live in Saint-Denis, when you live in Aulnay, we live through calamities and they know it well! [Audiences across France] listen to his speeches on a wide variety of subjects, from railway reform or pension reform to a polemic on the veil, Muslims, the CICE (Employment Competitiveness Credit) or climate change.”. Anasse Kazib is a CCR militant and a leader among the striking workers who, according to the press, has become a spokesperson for the rank-and-file. Tiempo: 45:24 Subido 17/12 a las 12:36:27 30839517 @AnasseKazib on est là ! He has been part of the Revolutionary Communist Current for four years. The RN (ex-FN) was forced to terminate the functions of Thierry Devige, deputy departmental delegate of the party in Val-de-Marne, yesterday. 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