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CATIA Student Edition isn't certified on Windows 8 and Windows 10 but some students reported it works well NB: Windows 10 will be certified soon on further CATIA V5 Student Edition releases ATI Radeon graphic cards are not supported. E-séminaires et whitepapers gratuits; Luke1 Messages postés Date d’inscription mercredi 14 ctaia Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2 sept. Bonjour, je suis en 1ère Bac Pro outilleur et au drack j’utilise Catia V5 R18 et je cherche a gatuit télécharger chez moi, mais voila je ne trouve caia liens v5f21 le Top 1 Million A propos de Webstator. Catia v6 – Telecharger des logiciels pour apprendre à dessiner – Conception assistée par ordinateur. CATIA V5, August 25th, 2018 Spanner. It is used to design, simulate, analyze, and manufacture products in a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, and industrial machinery, just to name a few. 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