Copy, reloadtechnologies
Are there no unique portraits for Portuguese generals? To give you an idea of the kind of throughts we have: I like the idea of maybe disconnecting some stuff from tech, like doctrines and special purpose slots to be able to say give a naval or air only slot to let you go wide on tech rather than hyper specialize without penalty. Delete all units (armies and fleets) of the specified countries. nextsong
The German Reich was instituted as the successor to the German Empire that was dismantled in the November Revolution of 1918/19 after WW1. Add the specified amount of all latest equipment. Copy. This command can also be used to add traits.nExample: gain_xp hill_fighter - add the hill fighter trait to your selected leader or general. This creates some entertaining scenarios for your game. We will process it as soon as possible. Instead of small-scale battles or individual unit control, you are in charge of a whole chain of strategic management. Spawn an actor with an optional animation. debug_nuking
It is based on how many countries you’ve made beforehand. I guess you’ve probably won World War II differently in some video games. Copy. Copy. The plans I have are kinda too big probably for an expansion as its a whole new system ;D but we have talked about various other smaller changes to the systems. Other players there are pretty knowledgable about how this game works. Run a list of commands in a specified file. Copy, aircombat scenario result province id airbase state id airbase state id equipment equipment equipment creator equipment creator. What part of 'whole new system' do you think is easy stuff? Copy, updatesubunits
Copy, hdr
Toggles the offensive fronts snapping debug screen. allowtraits
Copy, debug_nomouse
Copy. Copy, add_party_popularity ideology group amount. Copy, ai_accept
AI u200bu200bwill automatically accept any diplomatic offers. Add the specified state as a 'core' of the specified country. Copy, createlean
Copy, nu amount
Copy. It will make a save file (Test_01), load it, makes a new savegame (Test_02). Copy, st amount
Copy, debug_off_front_snap
Copy. Copy. focus.nochecks
Used to check that saving is functioning correctly. The list of equipment names is super long, so it’s best to seek online for help. set_ruling_party ideology group
Copy, ai_invasion
Copy, debug_nogui
Copy, goto_state state id
A treaty of friendship and non-aggression with the USSR might turn the stomach, but it will allow their precious oil to keep flowing into Germany. building_health building type state id / province id level amount
Copy. Copy. At first glance, you may think that the game packs so much into an individual title. Pause the game after the specified amount of time. This command can be toggled off by executing it a second time. Print a list of all console commands or print help for a specified command name. Copy, update_loc localisation key
Not only in improving the overall gaming experience, I think that creates a unique atmosphere for this game. Add equipment. If someone criticized you for playing a ‘boring’ game like HOI4, don’t feel too bad about it. For those who have been following every week, these are the changes since last beta update: good, I love the dimension and the volume of things inserted in this patch that were not limited to correct bugs, but also added quite a lot of flavor to play something that I appreciate. Add ideas with the specified ID/name to your country. Toggles the visibility of foreign fronts. run file name
Even more, I made France go fascist. Copy, hdr_debug
Copy. Poll valid Events. But did you ever thought of how the Allied masterminds defeated Fascism? ic: shortened command instead of the longer 'instantconstruction'. Copy, bloom
Copy, setcontroller country tag province id
Set the tag color of your current country. Copy, debug_dumpevents
If used with country tag, your country will occupy all land that the country owns. This mod adds over 200 different events all over the world, with bigger Event Trees for important nations in the second great war , like Italy, Germany, Japan, the USSR and America , but also adding massive event trees to less popular nations, like Romania, Bulgaria, Brazil and more! Kaiserreich Basically the most popular HOI4 mod, as of right now. Initiate an air combat in desired location. For HOI4, I think the design team has done a fantastic job. Copy. Copy, debug_cities
Copy. Copy, posteffectvolumes.default post effect
Copy, helplog
ws amount
delall: shortened command instead of the longer 'deleteallunits'. Can be used once per day.nRemove XP by negative number. add_autonomy country tag amount
Create and save a texture atlas file to the specified path. cityreload
Do you have any plans to make research more interesting? Copy, debug_water
Copy, nopausetext
Copy. Some other games, like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, also utilizes this feature. Remove the specified state as a 'core' of the specified country. debug_zoom
Copy. The Civil War will now only be considered 'ended' when all factions have been defeated, or Franco takes the Fuse the Parties focus. Just looking at the Five Year Plan, I feel like the sub-ideologies and Peace Conferences could go into a Italy, Turkey, Greece, Iran expansion; while USSR, Scandinavia, and Poland could be easily paired also with peace conferences, defensive war, land war overhaul, and weather mechanics. Copy, mapmode mapmode id
deleteallunits country tag
Instead of typing directly to the game, the console makes it more straightforward and manageable to enter your codes. The realm rejoices as Paradox Interactive announces the launch of Crusader Kings III, the latest entry in the publisher’s grand strategy role-playing game franchise. Copy. Copy, fow province id
However, if your keyboard doesn’t support it, you can instead press SHIFT + 2 or SHIFT + 3 to bring it up. Ale: shortened command instead of the longer 'add_latest_equipment'. Copy, help command
Please tell your friends about this website. Any chance you could look into fixing the US not switching off from free trade? Allow to use all diplomatic actions without justification. Copy, observe
Copy, requestgamestate
remove_interest country tag
Copy, updateequipments
Copy, debug_particle
Copy. Read on, and see how you can faithfully serve General Secretary Stalin. Change the name and flag of the country to that of another country. manpower amount
reload file name
Reload the shader. In 1934, Ma Zhongying's troops, supported by the Kuomintang government of the Republic of China were on the verge of defeating the Soviet client Sheng Shicai during the Battle of Ürümqi (1933–34) in the Kumul Rebellion. Our system has received your feedback. Copy, night
Copy. This command can also be used to add traits. It may not display this or other websites correctly. window close gui name
Aug 17, 2012 614 235. They'll thank you! Copy. Copy, instant_prepare
Fellow comrade, you have been called to action to take command of the mighty Red Army. Add the specific amount of man power to player. Open the specified GUI with the specified name. crash: shortened command instead of the longer 'debug_crash'. add_equipment amount equipment name
Dump AI data from your currently selected unit to a log file. Copy, flagsoutput path
Copy, winwars
Toggles the pausebanner for nicer screenshots. Who knows if Communism will be the global principal? Copy. Copy. Copy, debug_types
Copy. civilwar ideology country tag
HOI4 is a global spanning game. For HOI4, I think the design team has done a fantastic job. Copy, 3dstats
Rebalance ministers and ideas to give more interesting choices. The mod has significantly more focus trees than vanilla (almost every country has one), new 3D models, hundreds of events for news and flavor. Will any of this happen? sleep duration
Advisors may now jockey for positions of influence and adversaries should save their schemes for another day, because on this day Crusader Kings III can be purchased on Steam, the Paradox Store, and other major online retailers. I hope the same can happen for a couple of the others, and I guess the polish tree when a USSR DLC comes. debug_show_event_id
Each nation comes with its distinguish tag. Copy, xp amount
Of course, this is just imaginary, but to see and feel how things are different from the present is a fascinating experience. Copy, decision.nochecks
In the guide, I will show you how to form the USSR in Kaiserreich. Copy. examples: So when will the mod be out? Copy. aircombat scenario result province id airbase state id airbase state id equipment equipment equipment creator equipment creator
Copy, setrandomcount count
Copy. Possible ideologies: fascism, democratic, neutrality and communism. Allow national focuses to be instantly finished. There’s just so much you can do here. annex country tag
What is more, they can provide some excellent tips to better your gaming experience. add_latest_equipment amount
Copy. Copy, reloadfx map / .fx file
Copy, debug_achievements_clear
You may think that’s a tedious aspect a war video game can offer, but it turns out to be much more. These ones could go very well with a Ostfront Expansion... ;D, - The Chinese "Communist threat defeated" event is now suppressed after firing once until a new Communist infiltration is detected (WtT only). Even with the SF nerf I still think 90% of players will still use it because it's just simply the best. Add opinion from the specified country tag to another country. What is more, any new nations that you create after the start of the game will be called D##. In debug mode, IDs are shown when you hover over them. Copy, prices
Copy, debug_commands
Research a technology from research slot. Copy. ai_accept: shortened command instead of the longer 'yesman'. Copy, debug_dumpdiploactions
Remove equipment by specifying a negative amount. reloadsupply
Modify the frequency of a random sound being emitted from the combat view. All orders will be cleaned. You are using an out of date browser. Copy. st -20: Remove 10% stability. Copy, debug_trees
Even more, I made France go fascist. srgb
The disadvantages can be predicted and compensated for, making you unstoppable. Copy, tweakergui
tp: shortened command instead of the longer 'teleport'. Allow to nuke any province regardless of conditions. Copy. Allow free assignment of general traits to commanders, etc. Copy, debug_sky
Copy. Keep in mind, though, that this requires researching the item in advance. I have no clue ;D. That sounds like easy stuff though, modders do that for fun in their spare time. Happy gaming! Copy. Copy. Add specified country tag to your interest. event event id country tag
Ae: shortened command instead of the longer 'add_equipment'.You may need to have researched certain equipment before using it, use either the 'research all' (researches all equipment) or 'research_on_icon_click' command if this is the case. - France now has the correct heavy battery and secondary battery unlocked in 1936 (MtG only) Copy. analyzetheatres
spawn unit name/id province id amount
This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world domination under a communist sphere of influence. More National Focus trees. For example, GER is always defined for Germany, whether it’s fascist (German Reich) or democratic (Germany). If there is something done about Chinese Captial Moving decision, I would love if Mandschukuo, which follows the Obidience Path, getting a decision to move back its capital to Bejing, if they controll it, and are in peace. It’s satisfying knowing that you will have some struggles in one area, but the strengths to overwhelm that in other aspects of the war. Toggles debug mode for air vs land combat. set_cosmetic_tag country tag country tag
Copy. Copy. yesman
6; Reactions: Duke_Dave General. Copy. It’s a three-letter code, and it doesn’t sync with changes in ideology. Copy. Copy. teleport province id
When no argument is specified, adds 1000 political power by default.nfuhrer_mana / political_power: shortened command instead of the longer 'pp'. Tens of thousands of new events that offer a wide range of different possibilities. Copy. For a war simulator, graphics play an essential role in shaping up players’ thoughts. instantconstruction
Upon pressing the ` key (which is right below the ESC key), the console will appear. Copy. Copy, savegame
add_opinion source country tag target country tag
Copy. 93 Badges. relsup: shortened command instead of the longer 'reloadsupply'. Toggles the debug info in province tooltip. reloadweather seed
Strategic thinking is crucial in this game. For instance, if you need 100 submarines, open up the console command, and type ‘ae 100 submarine’. theatersrebuild
Add Army, navy and air experience to player. Copy. Copy, profilelog
Otherwise 1.9.1 has shaped up to be one of the bigger patches we have done with tons of fixes and I want to thank everyone who has helped out by reporting bugs and testing the open beta. tag country tag
For example, you may want to ditch the production of a heavy tank line to concentrate on better new products. oos
Print out the profiling/informations into time.log. You can optionally specify either a mapname, postfx or filename (ending in .fx). The New Order: Last Days of Europe is a Hearts of Iron IV Game Mod that is set in an alternate timeline where Nazi Germany utterly wins World War II, but quickly loses the peace. Add the specified amount of National Unitytto your naval utility count. If you want to input cheat codes to gain an advantage in HOI4, then the console command is where you need to visit. Copy, error
It also known as the 'instant research' cheat. gain_xp amount
Copy, aiview
More usage of drag and drop and QoL like this. Toggles FOW (fog of war) in a province or in general (without any arguments). Copy. The ## is a number that follows the ascending order. A searchable & sortable list of Discord servers. While the 1920's was a peaceful and prosperous decade for most of the world, the 1930's have begun to sow the seeds of another global conflict. Copy, debug_volume volume
Copy. Pause the game with the specified amount of time (seconds). anth: shortened command instead of the longer 'analyzetheatres'. Copy. Copy, debug_postfx
Switch you into 'observe' mode - game plays on auto-pilot. Print out all console commands to the game.log file. Copy, instant_wargoal
Set the random count to 0 or any arguments. Copy, pause_in_hours hours
Below is a list of 172 commands of the latest version Hoi4 game on Steam (PC). Back in a while, when I was in a multiplayer session with my brother, he decided to make Stalin fall in 1942 and eliminated the USSR. Of course, it’s up to personal taste to play a game like this. (Among most interesting: Adding mechanics to limit the size of your standing army, particularly post-war etc, Have doctrines more strongly affect division designing to get away from cookie cutter solutions and too ahistorical gamey setups. Type in command, and the game will handle it. Copy. Ideology groups: f (fascism), d (democratic), n (neutrality) and c (communism).
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