All analog, featuring NOS Germanium transistors for smooth and deep complex tone with amazing clean-up. Codes have numerous suffixes, without great influence on their sound in fuzzboxes. (I have not done wide research on this subject, because already well occupied by Europe). From left to right : AC128 by Philips / Mullard ; AC128 by Tungsram ; GC301 (GDR) ; GT402b (USSR) ; SFT363 (Italia). Company information, business information, directors/partners details and director/partners contact information of FUTURE IP LABS, Guitar Technique Lesson How you can Bend in sync. The 1K fuzz pot within the original Fuzz Faces was straight line taper a tenPercent alternation in rotation gives in regards to a 10% alternation in resistance. If well biased, the sound would be what “vintage” means : not shrill and responsive to the way of setting and playing the guitar. Features. This is something everyone can appreciate. Maximum collector-emitter voltage: 12 to 20 V. WHY: A tool to help players identify the circuits most relevant to their musical needs. Would love it if Basic Audio, Monsterpiece, Skreddy or SolidGoldFX or one of those Fuzz specialists could do something similar - i.e. AC152, 153, 7 Minute Fuzz Circuit Analysis for understanding technical purposes. Germanium Fuzz … It’s impossible to attract a conclusion regarding which version is “better” compared to other, because many people such as the Plastic versions, and a few people don’t. Eventually they were replaced by components that were considered “better.” The EHX Germanium OD and Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi use these old school transistors. The positioning of the 33K and also the 330 resistors are complete opposite of what they’re within the Germanium version. A multi-mode Germanium fuzz / booster inspired by british classic Fuzz boxes of the past. I'm a sucker for versatile compact fuzz pedals, and I automatically gravitate towards the more feature-rich models. We want to take a moment here to explain how you can do this on your own for both the kit version and completed versions. Versions. The NKT275 was New Market's version of the AC128. I recall that apart from certain mythical or magical components, it is the technological family of transistors that is significant, rather than the particular model …. It does not really give the wet sound of Mullard AC128s, but its medium tone is enjoying. Note that most of the original Silicon diodes from this period are unknown, simply marked with a black band, but some were marked 125. Here's a schematic of the original Germanium transistor version of the Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face: What's Inside...The Silicon Years As time wore on, Germanium transistors were slowly being phased out in favor of the more stable and consistent Silicon versions. The number of 250 pedals circulated for years, but based on the number of Germanium pedals seen over the years there were probably many more, possibly even a few thousand. SFT131, The FUZZ knob on the silicon version usually sounds and works best if you turn it down a bit (on the germanium I usually like it up full). Unknown or stupidly disparaged before the 1990s, they are far from being dull. Original fuzz pedals used a type of Germanium transistor which requires a power supply with opposite polarity, referred to as 'positive ground'. Some classic models, often mentioned, but there should be surely many others … AC128 … Original model, TO1 Philips / Mullard, often called “Red dot case”. BC183 The BC183 transistors are a little warmer than the BC108 and still have plenty of fuzz. Fuzz Face PNP Germanium Transistor With Charge Pump Version. The addition of a charge pump on the input power, gives you the ability to daisy chain power to your PNP Positive ground pedal with all your other negative ground pedals! Eliminate any need for special considerations when powering your Fuzz Face with the other pedals on your pedal board. This analysis covers the first Arbitrer Fuzz Face model equipped with PNP germanium transistors from the first releases. Fuzz God II - the insane silicon brother of Germanium Fuzz God. The original Fuzz Face used NKT275 transistors made by a British company called New Market. Recently there’s been an enormous resurgence of great interest within the original Arbiter Fuzz Faces, most likely fueled through the very mediocre sounding Dunlop Fuzz Faces. At the front of the pedal, there are two controls: Volume and Attack (translate by "Fuzz"). Proper biasing of the Germanium transistors found in Synthrotek’s Fuzz Face clone and the Face the Fuzz pedals is essential to getting the best (optimal) tone out of your product. I used em when they appeared. The Fuzz Face has asymetrical clipping designed into it! 2N508, 2N527… Commonly cited antique American models. Still fairly easy to find. It is the East German AC128, with a credible wet sound, albeit a bit dark. They have a distinctive sound, some say smoother or “spongier.” Huge bomb-shaped case, which makes its vintage visual effect! It had been also much simpler to create more consistent sounds from unit to unit using the Plastic versions (whether individuals “sounds” were good or otherwise remained for that purchaser of pedal to determine). Germanium is an element like carbon or gold. Russians items, close to AC153, giving a vintage fuzz that crunches just what it takes. The combined forward voltage drops of D2 to D4 give the right voltage to simulate a "hot" penlight battery, and … Germanium Fuzz 1590B Drilling Stencil. AC124, 131, 138, 139, Used in the Italian versions of the Tone Bender Mk1.5, in 1967-75. It's wilder, it's crazier, it's the loose cannon sonic brother that you wouldn't introduce to your girlfriend, cause you know he'd try his luck with her. An issue with Plastic transistors that does not appear to exist with Germanium is they might have an excessive amount of gain. Well biased, it gives the creamy sound that made the Fuzz Face a myth. Germanium transistors have a … Germanium diodes (like 1N34A) are hard to find in usual large distributors such as Digikey, Mouser, Newark, Farnell or RS, they are mostly found in specialised audio and guitar pedal boutiques since their use is more and more reduced to audio distortion in fuzz pedals. Gain : 80 to 250 (rarely more than 150). The 470-ohm resistor was substituted for a 330-ohm. The BC108, for example, which I have seen specified in many old schematics for the silicon Fuzz Face, might have a gain of anywhere from 80 to over 200 depending on what factory made it and when. Another application of the Bazz Fuss design is the Buzz Box, also designed by Christian. The circuit has BC183L transistors, that have the B-C-E pinout. In 1967, some models have been known as bringing a so called “creamy” sound texture to Fuzzboxes. Consequently, Dallas-Arbiter started equipping the Fuzz Face pedals using these new transistors with various seem results. Fuzz Faces naturally tend to bias with only about half a volt on the collector of the first transistor, so there is a lot of room upwards. The build quality and performance are not as extreme, but they are consistent. Gain : 80 to 250 (rarely more than 150). The USA Electro-Harmonix factory was long gone by this time, and the old 1970's American made Big Muffs were increasing in value, so it was natural for some DIY makers to start building clones. It’s been noted many occasions over when they get too hot…they’ll cease working. The AC128’s give a smooth softer fuzz with slightly lower gain. The transistors that were utilized in these versions incorporated: BC108C, BC183L, BC109, BC109C, and BC209C. The schematics and layouts are known to work, but you may have to do some debugging or component switching to get them to work properly. I apologize to the visitors who will be frustrated by this lack of material ! Someone in Aron’s Stompbox Forum stated that putting a 100pF capacitor over the Collector-Base junction from the transistors inside a Plastic Fuzz Face clone is needed control the gain and oscillation, so if you choose to build this version, remember that. The rest of the transistors which were used possess the more standard C-B-E pinout, if you stumble upon a Fuzz Face with something apart from the BC183L, the bottom and collector leads is going to be twisted around to operate correctly. The Fuzz Face continues to be performed by nearly every famous guitarist which has ever resided, and will likely continue for many years. A few years back, the Arbiter company designed a limited run of reissue Fuzz Faces, filled with AC128 transistors. Items with number followed by an asterisk * are npn models. SFT 367/377*, 370, 387… Europeans cousins one should try. Fuzz God II allows you to create fuzzyness of epic proportions (think red seas parting, burning bushes, pillars of salt etc). Maximum collector current : 0.5 to 1.5A (more than other small case transistors). They are labeled as silicon or germanium fuzz and there is an oscillation test with a wah wah at the end of each demo. 2SB324, 383, 405… Japanese equivalent or close to the AC128. Initially used as a replacement piecefor maintenance, it became a reference transistor around 1967. AC141*, 142, 180, 181*, 188, 187*… (almost identical, by other manufacturers) An excessive amount of gain may cause a Fuzz Face to seem horrid. These modifications are a few great enhancements towards the original circuit, and are the mods being done by DIYers and custom effects builders. Germanium Big Muff Pi is basically two pedals packed into one case. A little forgotten or underestimated, so not common, alas. AC127*, AC176*… (npn versions of AC128, sometimes referred as “Blue dot”), Less well known cousins : Full Schematic PDF (including footswitch, jacks, etc) How to Build a Germanium Fuzz PDF document, explaining all the details and tricks of this pedal. With the designs past you’ll find all sorts of different variations within the fundamental original circuit, from PNP Germanium to NPN Plastic, along with a numerous quantity of fuzz pedals that derive from it. Here’s a schematic from the original Germanium transistor form of the Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face: Arbiter Fuzz Face ()” /> What’s Inside…The Plastic Years. Germanium Fuzz boxes tend to produce a warmer and more-rounded tone with a strong mid-range, and are generally more reactive to your picking dynamics and playing style. Here’s a schematic from the original Germanium transistor form of the Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face: As time continued, that old germanium transistors were gradually being replaced in support of the greater stable and consistent Plastic versions. Sometimes found as a replacement in some vintage Fuzz Faces. Therefore, they gained a reputation that made this family of components enter the guitar effects culture. With time, numerous people observed that the audio (left-hands logarithmic) taper gave far better charge of the fuzz. The 500KA original value continues to be substituted for a 100KA, which enables more highs to obtain through. Not ridiculous compared to the original Philips / Mullard. 7 Minute Fuzz Circuit. The 470 is at the middle in the last version, however it’s gone to live in the outdoors near the 20?F capacitor. We hand select 3 New Old Stock Philips OC41 Black Glass Germanium transistors for each pedal ensuring ideal performance and consistency. With all the Mouser references. Germanium transistors were used extensively back in the 1950s and ‘60s. This will raise the current being provided towards the transistor and most likely fattens in the seem a little. Should you check out the schematic below, you will see that it is not quite a reissue, but a better form of the initial. Power dissipation : 0.5 to 1.2 W (more than most of other small case transistors). There is just one part which was altered within the circuit apart from the transistors. It is the second version of the Fuzz-tone, the FZ1-A. Maximum frequency : 0.5 to 1.5 MHz (never higher). They aren’t the same as the initial Germanium versions, usually having a more harsh and aggressive clipping instead of the soft clipping characteristics of Germanium. Not hard to find. Maximum collector current : 0.5 to 1.5A (more than other small case transistors). The 470-ohm resistor that’s in series using the .01?F output cap continues to be substituted for a 1K resistor, which reinforces the creation of the circuit a great deal. Be sure to check the PCB and Layouts against the Schematics and vice versa to make sure there aren't any errors. These represent the sounds of almost every fuzz pedal introduced between 1962 and 1968. There has been much confusion about this circuit, as the schematics on the patent, and on the original Ieaflet that came with the pedal are both wrong. Underlined items have been used in historic pedals. The Brand New Fuzz Faces…Arbiter Reissues. The circuit is designed around a single op-amp gain and hard clipping while using transistors to handle buffering and The NKT275’s offer a brighter more aggressive fuzz tone. This transformation will raise the bass reponse from the pedal. The Fuzz Face is a distortion guitar pedal designed in London by Arbitrer Electronics Ltd in the autumn of 1966. From left to right : AC128 by Philips / Mullard ; AC128 by Tungsram ; GC301 (GDR) ; GT402b (USSR) ; SFT363 (Italia) Czechs items that give a rather rough sounding fuzz, too sour for my taste. 1N125 is a germanium diode, but these are Silicon. It’s reliable advice, however, the Plastic versions will clearly be free from one significant problem that plagued the Germanium Fuzz Faces…temperature instability. The output capacitor seemed to be altered from .01?F within the original issue pedals to .047?F within the reissue pedals. Works well in Fuzz Faces in the position of second transistor (after AC125 or 128 as T1). The input stage will first hit mushy saturation on one polarity of signal and then if driven hard enough, hit cutoff on the other polarity. The final change may be the Volume pot. Wore one out, went thru many other boxes, and now have laid hands on … With this video I have tried to cover everything about the Fuzz Face that you would want to learn. GC511, 521* by Tesla… Maximum frequency : 0.5 to 1.5 MHz (never higher). The General Guitar Gadgets Violet Ram's Head, MJM Foxey Fuzz, and many other violet clones were based on the 470pF version of this schematic. Their fuzz box, the Electro-Harmonix Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi, is somewhat of a legend in its own right. By order of interest : GC301… a pedal with independent but mixable Germanium and Silicon channels. LikeYourFace, a classic fuzz by Guitar Poppa, Hi-GeFuzz, a hi-gain fuzz by Guitar Poppa, Contact Guitar Poppa fore more informations. The Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face has been available since 1966, and shows no indications of dying in the near future. Most, if not completely, of those transistors continue to be created and can easily be bought. 1. ГT402x, ГT404x*… This isn’t about particular brands of pedals, but the circuits they employ. ACY17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 33… Industrials models, generaly more reliable…, NKT211, 223, 271… Brits to rediscover, if any …. These transistors were at first designed to drive the loudspeakers of radios and consumer audio products. Russian GT308V (ГТ308В) : germanium PNP, don’t confuse cyrillic В with latin B because it’s actually equal to latin V. Russian transistors are sorted by hFE, but using cyrillic alphabet: A (A), B (Б), V (В), G (Г)…The V variation has hFE ranging 80-150 and is used in Dunlop Bonamassa Fuzz at Q2 position. Maximum collector-emitter voltage: 12 to 20 V. Power dissipation : 0.5 to 1.2 W (more than most of other small case transistors). Maximum collector-emitter voltage: 12 to 20 V. Power dissipation : 0.5 to 1.2 W (more than most of other small case transistors). Maximum collector current : 0.5 to 1.5A (more than other small case transistors). Of course, they get mixed up and there are overlaps, for instance, a well-behaved, dialled-back germanium fuzz can pass off as very warm overdrive and some of the more complex renditions of Big Muff circuitry certainly get very close to distortion. With Plastic it might be tough to stick to the Q1 hfe of 70 and Q2 hfe of 120, since most Plastic transistors are excess of 120 to start with. Germanium Fuzz Face Bill of Materials. The collector resistor on Q2 continues to be decreased from 8K2 to 6K8. The fuzz circuit uses four vintage Germanium transistors, the switches allow you to select between two of the most popular types used in fuzz pedals. The earliest fuzz pedals used germanium transistors, which is why there is a strong a sense of nostalgia for these with old-school purists. Official clone made in Hungary. The 7 Minute Fuzz schematic can be broken down into some simpler blocks: Power Supply, Transistor Input and Clipping, and Volume Control. SFT363 … Quasi equivalent to the AC128, diffused on the European market. Pedals Demoed: Analogman Sun Face Germanium, ScreaminFX 1948 Germanium, Analogman Sun Face BC183, ScreaminFX 1954, Analogman Peppermint, Dunlop Fuzz Face, EHX Big Muff and Zvex Fuzz Factory This fuzz is not that big for a vintage fuzz, especially compared to the 1973 Supa Tonebender that I had on my bench before. AC184, 185*, AC193, 194*. v1: The first Fuzzrites used Germanium transistors, but these were not temperature stable: they didn't sound good on a cold floor. Schematics and PCBs Disclaimer: These schematics and PCB layouts carry no guarantee or warranty. The problem is similar with any of the other NPN silicon devices that are commonly substituted for it. As time continued, that old germanium transistors were gradually being replaced in support of the greater stable and consistent Plastic versions. The circuit produces a nasty (in a good way), explosive octave-up fuzz similar to the Scrambler and Green Ringer. At the end of the 60's, Dallas Arbiter began using BC108 transistors instead. SWOLLEN PICKLE JUMBO FUZZ modified V6 Big Muff - One of the first popular Big Muff clones, and later a popular mod to the BMP circuit, was the Swollen Pickle Jumbo Fuzz (discontinued). Any germanium transistor inside these characteristics, and presenting a leakage current Iceo lower than 500μA should work well in a Fuzz. AC128 by Tungsram… Believe me, there is NO sound like a germanium fuzz box. They are distinct from other families by their dissipable power and their maximum collector current. The circuit is simply two BF in series, but the second BF stage uses a germanium diode rather than the usual silicon. WHAT: Twelve germanium fuzz circuits compared and analyzed. Listen to the Buzz Box! 250+ Schematic 5-Knob Compressor Schematic 855 Drive Schematic Amp Selector Schematic Analog Delay Schematic British Blues Overdrive Schematic Chancellor Schematic Chorus Schematic Classic Overdrive Schematic Divided Octave Schematic Flanger Schematic Germanium Boost Schematic Leeds Fuzz Schematic Mosfet Boost Schemati Equivalents : Back in the day, it was simply a matter of switching the wires that hook up the battery. The Fuzz E-One Small Bear Clone - Schematic Schottky diode D1 provides reverse-power protection with minimum voltage loss.